The Olander family of Root Shoot Malting are deeply grounded and invested in Northern Colorado. Owners Todd and Steve Olander cultivated Root Shoot Malting to specialize in the highest quality of local grain and craft malt available to the brewing and distilling industries. Each and every bag is hand-packaged at their craft malthouse.

Light Munich 4 - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Vienna Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Munich Wheat Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.99
Sold out

Cara Ruby Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.99

Honey Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Munich 10 Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.99

Olandsvete Wheat Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.99

English Pale Ale Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Genie Pale Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Pilsner Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Distilling Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $3.49

Chit Malt - Root Shoot Malting
From $2.99