Oak Cubes - French Heavy Toast

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Oak Cubes - French Heavy Toast

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SKU 8234



Product Details

Barrels used to be the home winemakers only choice for imparting oak flavor in their wines. These high quality oak cubes allow you to achieve the same quality of oak flavor that you taste in good wines. These are the same cubes used by many wineries in Napa Valley. Oak staves (the wooden strips that oak barrels are constructed of) are air dried for two to three years, then traditionally fire-toasted and cubed.

Since three varieties are available, you are able to blend different levels of toast to achieve different effects. While the heavy-toast cubes are recommended for big reds that benefit from a heavy, caramelized oak flavor, they may also be used to supplement the medium-toast cubes for a more subtle flavoring. Many of our customers use a blend of French and American cubes, usually using the French cubes in a higher percentage. We have had success blending all three oaks, again using the French in the highest percentage.

Additional Information

SKU 8234x

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Great oak!

A great way to get oak in your wine without buying and maintaining a barrel

Dennis O.
Gives my wine the flavor I was looking forward to. We have been very happy with the wine using th...

Gives my wine the flavor I was looking forward to. We have been very happy with the wine using the Heavy Oak

Brad K.

Very consistent size and toast from bag to bag. It's the only way to get a professional oak flavor without buying a $300 barrel and none of the maintenance!

It doesn't take much, but works great!

In 5 gallons of beer, you only need about 1/2 an ounce for this to be a pronounced flavor. Just make sure to sanitize first with whiskey, vodka, or by steaming for about 15 minutes prior to adding to the secondary. Wait about 4 months after adding for best flavor - if you let it age, you won't be disappointed!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Great oak!

A great way to get oak in your wine without buying and maintaining a barrel

Dennis O.
Gives my wine the flavor I was looking forward to. We have been very happy with the wine using th...

Gives my wine the flavor I was looking forward to. We have been very happy with the wine using the Heavy Oak

Brad K.

Very consistent size and toast from bag to bag. It's the only way to get a professional oak flavor without buying a $300 barrel and none of the maintenance!

It doesn't take much, but works great!

In 5 gallons of beer, you only need about 1/2 an ounce for this to be a pronounced flavor. Just make sure to sanitize first with whiskey, vodka, or by steaming for about 15 minutes prior to adding to the secondary. Wait about 4 months after adding for best flavor - if you let it age, you won't be disappointed!