I was skeptical about using this at first because I was unsure how it would effect my bottle conditioning. So as any skeptic would do I bought two of the same kit and did one with and one without. I added this to my beer the day I racked over to my secondary, the beer was not near as cloudy as the no addition batch. A side by side comparison was night and day difference. The brown color of the brown ale beer was showing bright as can be with the other still a bit cloudy. The part that scared me the most was when it came to bottle conditioning because I heard that it pulls a lot of the yeast out of suspension. I waited until the two weeks were up and did a side by side and taste comparison. The one with the finings was clear all the way through the glass and the brown was brighter that the other. The carbonation was different, there was a lighter amount of carbonation to the addition compared to the other, but it wasn't flat, to me it was a perfect amount of carbonation with a decent head on it. Even my dad was surprised at how clear and decently carbonated the beer was on comparison. The flavor comparison was unfazed by the addition too. There are a lot of Q&A about cold crashing and storing at colder temperatures. I stored both over a two week period during secondary between 60-65 degrees and still had a very pleasant outcome using the addition. For the low cost it is a good product to assist in clarity of my beer I will always use this for all of my beers the day I rack over to my secondary.