Grainfather Conical Fermenter - Pro Series

Grainfather Conical Fermenter - Pro Series

SKU 42339



Product Details

Take control of your fermentation by giving yeast the perfect environment to optimize your beer flavor profile. The Grainfather Conical Fermenter - Pro Edition features double-walled, stainless steel construction for durability and insulation and INCLUDES the Dual Valve Tap and NEW Conical Fermenter Pro Controller.

Dial in your fermentation temperature with the Wireless Controller. Use the Dual Valve Tap to take samples and when fermentation is finished, dump or harvest your yeast from the cone and transfer your beer all with the same valve. Samples and transfers are pulled from above the sediment line allowing for clearer beer while allowing for yeast collection from the bottom of the fermenter.

Conical Fermenter Pro Controller
Connect the Conical Fermenter Pro Controller to the internet and the Grainfather App, add fermentation tracking devices, and control/monitor fermentation from anywhere! Plus, it’s even got an improved digital display and water resistance.

  • Control your Grainfather Conical Fermenter Wirelessly.
  • Monitor and adjust your fermenters from anywhere in the world!
  • View temperature data via the Grainfather Connect App.
  • Ability to set fermentation schedules.

The Grainfather Conical Fermenter has been designed to give you the best in fermenting performance. Featuring the Golden Angle of 60°, the optimum angle for dropping yeast to the bottom without clinging to the sides, you'll have no problem getting a clearer beer faster than standard, flat-bottomed fermenters.

Dual Valve Tap
Using the same concepts used in commercial breweries, the Dual Valve Tap ensures easy sampling and transferring while retaining the ability to dump or harvest yeast for reuse.

Height - 36" (43" with Airlock)
Diameter - 14.5" (with Handles)

Additional Information

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Please allow 1-3 weeks for delivery, as The Grainfather Conical will ship directly from the manufacturer via UPS Ground.


  • Wireless Controller
  • 304 stainless steel double-walled fermenter.
  • Integrated gentle heating: 30W, 12V heating element.
  • Integrated cooling sleeve that can be hooked up to the Cooling Pump Kit or the Grainfather Glycol Chiller.
  • 60° cone angle for yeast to drop down to the bottom
  • 8 Gallon Capacity.
  • Wide opening for easy, hassle-free cleaning.
  • Stainless steel lid with integrated silicone seal and included rubber stopper and airlock.
  • Cone Plug and Seal
  • 6.5power cord
  • Modular system to build up your brewery to your own specifications.

Add the Grainfather Conical Fermenter Cooler Connection Kit for use with Grainfather Glycol Chiller.

You're not out of luck if you do not own a Grainfather Glycol Chiller. To chill the Grainfather Conical Fermenter, you will need the Grainfather Conical Fermenter Temperature Controller as well as your own cooler or bucket. Then add the Grainfather 12VDC Cooling Pump & 3 way cord to run the cool water through the conical jacket. The Grainfather 12VDC Cooling Pump & 3 way cord does not work with the Grainfather Glycol Chiller.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Gary P.
The fermenters

Just made my 1st brew last Wendsday
Seems to be working just fine with the glycol chiller

Steve E.
My new fermenter

I am sooo excited to use my new fermenter.
I have unpacked and put together the unit. I have not yet used my grainfather fermenter. Taking a break to read Chris White’s book on yeast, and to consume some of my stored. Once through with the book and a few bottles I will enjoy using my NEW fermenter.

Donald T.
I love this thing!

I bought my Grainfather a while back and decided not to write a review until I had several batches under my belt with this particular unit. It's not unusual for me to have 2 or 3 batches of different beers going at the same time. I brew 5 gallons at a time and I must say that the Grainfather makes life so much easier. Because I only have one Grainfather I still use the glass carboys. At this time I have two carboys fermenting and the grain father. I'm a 62 year old guy and moving those carboys around isn't as easy as it used to be! The Grainfather works perfectly, it cleans up easily and I'd love to buy a few more! A total of three would suit me just fine! The only thing stopping me from buying two more is that funny little thing called money.

Bill T.
Read carefully

This is a great piece of equipment, especially if you can get it on sale. But buyer beware: while this has the capability to cool your wort, you have to buy an additional cooling packet to do that, AND you need a glycol or other cooling system to actually cool the wort. Still, this is a good buy. I have this as a supplement to my SS Brewtech unitank and glycol chiller. Both work well, but the GF system is significantly less expensive.

Floyd S.
New conical

First impressions are that it is well made. After getting all the parts together like the cooling kit and digital controller noticed a glaring lack of any instructions for programming the controller or which hose goes to the small cooling pump outlet/ inlet. Attached the hoses per the online videos and was skeptical about the brass connectors with no taper or seals going into the walls of the cooling jacket on the unit. Leaked from both fittings onto the floor but I was doing a pre beer test run, but still not fun cleaning up water of my kitchen floor. Also the dual valve tap seal for the lower ball valve unit was already deformed and not in place / twisted/ deformed. It seems as though the small details are overlooked on this unit. Seals that are too flimsy for the sampling valve, not enough space to work between the legs , and iffy cooling connectors. Also water stays in the cooling jacket when cooling is disconnected letting the residual flow onto your floor. Seems like a check valve would have been nice. I bought the unit under no illusions and knew it had some drawbacks, but how much is too much?. Time will tell.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Gary P.
The fermenters

Just made my 1st brew last Wendsday
Seems to be working just fine with the glycol chiller

Steve E.
My new fermenter

I am sooo excited to use my new fermenter.
I have unpacked and put together the unit. I have not yet used my grainfather fermenter. Taking a break to read Chris White’s book on yeast, and to consume some of my stored. Once through with the book and a few bottles I will enjoy using my NEW fermenter.

Donald T.
I love this thing!

I bought my Grainfather a while back and decided not to write a review until I had several batches under my belt with this particular unit. It's not unusual for me to have 2 or 3 batches of different beers going at the same time. I brew 5 gallons at a time and I must say that the Grainfather makes life so much easier. Because I only have one Grainfather I still use the glass carboys. At this time I have two carboys fermenting and the grain father. I'm a 62 year old guy and moving those carboys around isn't as easy as it used to be! The Grainfather works perfectly, it cleans up easily and I'd love to buy a few more! A total of three would suit me just fine! The only thing stopping me from buying two more is that funny little thing called money.

Bill T.
Read carefully

This is a great piece of equipment, especially if you can get it on sale. But buyer beware: while this has the capability to cool your wort, you have to buy an additional cooling packet to do that, AND you need a glycol or other cooling system to actually cool the wort. Still, this is a good buy. I have this as a supplement to my SS Brewtech unitank and glycol chiller. Both work well, but the GF system is significantly less expensive.

Floyd S.
New conical

First impressions are that it is well made. After getting all the parts together like the cooling kit and digital controller noticed a glaring lack of any instructions for programming the controller or which hose goes to the small cooling pump outlet/ inlet. Attached the hoses per the online videos and was skeptical about the brass connectors with no taper or seals going into the walls of the cooling jacket on the unit. Leaked from both fittings onto the floor but I was doing a pre beer test run, but still not fun cleaning up water of my kitchen floor. Also the dual valve tap seal for the lower ball valve unit was already deformed and not in place / twisted/ deformed. It seems as though the small details are overlooked on this unit. Seals that are too flimsy for the sampling valve, not enough space to work between the legs , and iffy cooling connectors. Also water stays in the cooling jacket when cooling is disconnected letting the residual flow onto your floor. Seems like a check valve would have been nice. I bought the unit under no illusions and knew it had some drawbacks, but how much is too much?. Time will tell.