Below are products intended to improve the overall quality of your beer or solve common problems such as poor head retention, thin body, or haze.
Amylase Enzyme
One of the diastatic enzymes (naturally occurring in malted barley) that converts starch to maltose (sugar) and allows better conversion when using low-enzyme malts or high percentages of adjuncts. Produces light and dry characteristics in beer. Use in mash.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Reduces oxidation in the bottle. Overuse will lend citrusy flavors.
Burton Water Salts
A combination of gypsum, magnesium sulfate, and sodium chloride added in the mash tun or brew kettle. Used to harden brewing liquor for creating Burton-on-Trent style pale ales or ‘hard water’ beers.
Calcium Carbonate
Used in mash to add temporary hardness and to raise pH and lowers acidity.
Citric Acid
Antihaze and pH balance.
Epsom Salts
Magnesium sulfate (sulphate), used in mash or kettle to provide permanent hardness.
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
Used to harden soft brewing liquor and settle out suspended particulate matter, specifically in pale ales. Lowers pH and raises acidity during mash. Not recommended in large amounts for lager brewing.
Water Crystals/Water Salts (Magnesium Sulfate and Gypsum)
Water hardener used for imitating Burton-on-Trent brewing liquor. Aids enzymes during the mash. Often contains other haze-preventing ingredients.