Dry Yeast
The advantages of dried beer yeast are that it is simple to use, usually very active and foolproof. One can significantly improve the performance of dried yeasts (and consequently the flavor of your beer) by properly re-hydrating it. Do this, by adding the dried yeast to a sanitized glass jar filled with 1-1.5 cups of 90-100 °F tap water. Cover with clean foil and let rehydrate for 15-30 minutes, then bring the temperature of the rehydrated yeast close to that of the wort and pitch.
Liquid Yeast
One of the premier advantages of liquid yeast is the selection one encounters. Nowadays and especially to the novice, there is an overwhelming selection to choose from. Many of the liquid strains of yeast have been obtained from breweries in brewing centers from around the world and therefore afford the home brewer the greatest possible chance to replicate the beers styles, which made these cities famous. Yeast is arguably the most important ingredient in beer and indeed certain styles of beer cannot even be approximated without the use of the correct yeast strain.
We carry liquid yeast in two forms; the activator packs and pitchable tubes. The activators may be activated 2-4 hours prior to pitching, or pitched directly into cooled wort. The pitchable tubes, generally, have a large enough culture starting out that they can be pitched directly into 5 gallons of wort with a specific gravity up to 1.050 without the use of a yeast starter. All they require is removal from the refrigerator to a room temperature environment for 4-5 hours prior to their use. The same applies for activators. Then, simply break open the inner pouch by applying pressure, allow it to swell, then pitch into your cooled wort.